She picked out 2 colors of Lamb's Pride Bulky, a pale pink and a magenta, to make the hat that HSW teaches in their beginning knitting class. It's knit flat and sewn, but demonstrates garter, stockinette, ribbing and decreasing while producing something functional at the end. She's quite pleased. I demonstrated the long-tail cast on to her and she picked it right up. Then, we learned the knit stitch, so she is working on many rows of garter stitch until the next time we meet. She is knitting slowly and carefully and it is working out well.
For myself, I found some issues of KnitScene that I'd been searching for and Interweave Felt which isn't supposedly available until Tuesday. I also jumped on the SoySilk Tofutsies bandwagon. I got 2 skeins, one in lime/white and one in raspberry/white.
I was also able to make some progress on my latest Monkey sock while supervising the fabulous Miss H.
All in all, a successful trip.